September 13, 2021
The Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) has announced its commitment to a goal of net zero emissions by 2050. 
In a statement, the Kuala-Lumpur based organization said the more ambitious goal of net zero emissions surpasses the existing industry commitment to halving carbon emissions by 2050. It added that AAPA has fully embraced the aviation industry’s climate change commitments to date, with it being a leader amongst global sectors in establishing a comprehensive sustainability agenda.  
The target includes 1.5% fuel efficiency improvement, stabilising net CO2 emissions through carbon neutral growth, as well as a new more ambitious long-term goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2050. 
Significant SAF volumes needed
Noting that the cooperation of multiple stakeholders including governments, air navigation services, fuel suppliers, airports, aircraft and engine manufacturers would be essential to the successful achievement of the net zero emissions goal, AAPA stressed that the industry’s pathway to this ambitious target is an all-industry effort based on a combination of technology, operational improvements, sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), and a global market-based measure, namely the ICAO Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).
It said sustainable aviation fuels are expected to feature heavily in the industry’s overall reduction in carbon emissions by almost completely replacing fossil fuels on commercial flights by 2050.  
AAPA also said significant quantities of SAF will be needed by the industry as 80% of emissions are from flights over 1500 km, for which aircraft powered by alternative energy sources, such as electricity and hydrogen, are not available.
“The Asia Pacific region will constitute some 40% of global SAF demand, but production and supply facilities in the region are lacking.  Allocation of sufficient resources to convert feedstock, like municipal or agricultural waste, waste oils from food production and other biomass for the production of SAF will make a critical difference,” said Subhas Menon, director general of AAPA.
On market–based measures, Menon noted that, “CORSIA has an integral part to play in achieving this ambitious long term commitment. It is the agreed global mechanism for offsetting growth in international aviation CO2 emissions since 2020.
The AAPA chief said investment in emerging sources of energy such as direct carbon capture and carbon sequestration when these become viable, could complement the industry’s efforts towards achieving net zero emissions.