January 12, 2016

KLN (Singapore) Pte Ltd., a subsidiary of Kerry Logistics, has been awarded a contract to operate the inland ports of Yangon and Mandalay in Myanmar.


Self Photos / Files - Kerry Myanmar


“We would like to thank the Ministry of Rail Transportation of Myanmar for its trust in us, and are pleased to be offered the opportunity to contribute our expertise in terminal logistics operations to benefit the development of Myanmar,” said George Yeo, chairman of Kerry Logistics [third from left in photo]. “Railway transportation is an essential backbone in support of Myanmar’s economic development, both within the country and with nearby regions. Given Kerry Logistics’ presence in ASEAN, our goal is to further strengthen the linkage among countries in the region and seek accelerated growth by developing an integrated Greater Mekong Region platform covering Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos. The inland ports in Yangon and Mandalay form a vital part in pursuing such an integration.”


The inland ports will be linked by rail to major routes in the country, and will be hubs for exporters, importers and domestic logistics service providers in and out of the coastal ports of Yangon and Thilawa. They will also handle cross-border cargo to and from Myanmar’s neighbours.


The partnership is expected to create 400 job opportunities in Myanmar, according to Kerry.