November 29, 2021
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Asia Pacific airlines reported "vigorous" airfreight growth in October driven by a "robust" cargo market even though its passenger traffic remained very low.


The Kuala Lumpur-based Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) said Asia Pacific airlines said air cargo demand — measured in freight tonne kilometres (FTK) — saw a 22.3% year-on-year growth for the month which it notes as "another month of vigorous growth in international air cargo demand."

It said Asia Pacific's air cargo markets were "robust, benefitting from sustained global demand and capacity shortages."


Its preliminary October 2021 traffic figures also noted that offered freight capacity expanded by a "significant 20% year-on-year, albeit at a relatively slower pace than the growth in demand, leading to an elevated average international freight load factor of 74.2% for the month."


"Whilst October continued to be an extremely challenging month for international travel markets, solid orders for consumer goods and industrial components buoyed air cargo demand, especially as retailers sought to increase stock levels ahead of the year-end holiday season and major shopping events," commented Subhas Menon, AAPA Director General. "In addition, supply chain congestion at some shipping hubs boosted demand for air shipments."


It said, in contrast, international air passenger demand remain "significantly depressed," with the impact of recent easing of border restrictions yet to be seen.


AAPA said only 1.2 million international passengers travelled on the region’s carriers in October — representing  only 3.9% of the 31 million passengers recorded in the same month of 2019 before the Covid-19 outbreak.


"While the gradual reopening of borders by governments is a welcome move, what is sorely needed is the harmonisation of travel policies and health protocols, including measures related to testing, vaccination recognition and digital verification," Menon said.


"This will reduce complexity and confusion amongst passengers and carriers, which will in turn help boost confidence in the travel process."