January 18, 2022

Ningbo-Zhoushan port maintained its rank as the world's top cargo handling port in 2021 for the 13th time after it recorded increases in cargo throughput last year.


The port saw cargo throughput of 1.22 billion tons in 2021 or a 4.4% increase from the level seen in 2020.


Third busiest container port


Meanwhile, Ningbo-Zhoushan port was also the world's third busiest container port last year — ranking next to Shanghai and Singapore — after recording 31.08 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) of container volume in 2021 which was 8.2% higher than teh year prior.


As the end of 2021, Ningbo-Zhoushan port was connected by 287 shipping services, with 27 newly added comparing with the number at the end of 2020. Among which 117 routes are servicing China’s Belt and Road Initiatives. 


By the end of 2021, there were 287 shipping services connecting Ningbo-Zhoushan, with the rest of the world — with 27 new services established since the end of 2020.


So far, 117 routes are said to be dedicated to China's Belt and Road Initiative which is a global infrastructure development strategy adopted by the Chinese government in 2013 to invest in nearly 70 countries and international organizations.