January 16, 2023
CMA CGM has deployed its biggest containerships to call in Japan regularly on a route connecting to ports in Central America.
CMA CGM Argentina called the Port of Yokohama, Japan, on January 15. The first of the said 15,000 TEU-vessel that has been deployed on the Asia Central South America 1 service.
"The introduction of the larger vessels on the ACSA1 service will not only accommodate more Yokohama-bound fresh produce on a single voyage, but they are also part of our plans to grow inbound cargoes from Central and Southern America ahead," said Hideki Uchida, president of CMA CGM Japan.
Uchida added that, more important, the service will equip CMA CGM with more capabilities further to facilitate trade flows between Latin America and Asia.
CMA CGM noted that the 15,000-TEU vessels are the largest to call a port in Japan on a regular basis.


"YKIP will continue to improve its equipment and facilities to ensure that shipping lines are satisfied whenever their vessels call at the Port of Yokohama," said Shinya Hitomi, president & CEO of Yokohama Kawasaki International Port Corporation (YKIP).


"Looking ahead, YKIP is currently proceeding with development works of the Honmoku Futo D5 container terminal," Hitomi added.


The vessels call at the Honmoku D4 terminal operated by CMA CGM, which has a capacity of 550,000 TEU annually.


The terminal accounts for around 15% of container volumes at the Port of Yokohama.


CMA CGM also made the announcement on social media.


"We've deployed 2 of our 15,000-TEU vessels, the largest with regular service to Japan," CMA CGM said in a tweet.


"More fresh produce will ship to Yokohama in a single trip, boosting trade flow between Latin America and Japan & supporting our customers," it added.