June 5, 2023

Matadi Gateway Terminal (MGT), International Container Terminal Services, Inc.'s (ICTSI) operation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, has unveiled new investments that will advance terminal efficiency and provide easier access to the Port of Matadi.


Minister Marc Ekila, D.R. Congo's national minister of Transport and Communication, and Hans-Ole Madsen, ICTSI regional head — Europe, Middle East & Africa, led the recent inauguration of MGT's four new hybrid rubber tired gantries (RTG). 


ICTSI said the hybrid RTGs, the first of their kind in African ports, will level up the terminal's efficiency and productivity while ensuring minimal impact on the environment.


They are powered by a combination of battery and diesel engines, which generate less carbon emission.


"Our team takes great pride in investing in port infrastructure and equipment that not only boosts operational efficiency but also minimizes our environmental footprint. These hybrid RTGs will further improve the terminal’s productivity while emitting less greenhouse gas," said Madsen.


"We also anticipate reduced truck waiting times at the yard and faster turnaround times for terminal tractors during ship unloading activities. These improvements reflect ICTSI's firm commitment to creating sustainable growth by prioritizing both operational efficiency and environmental responsibility," he added.


MGT is the third terminal in the ICTSI Group that utilizes hybrid RTGs.


The Group currently operates 46 hybrid RTGs — 40 of which are deployed at ICTSI’s flagship Manila International Container Terminal and two at Mindanao Container Terminal. Both terminals are in the Philippines.


Meanwhile, ICTSI looks to acquire more hybrid RTGs and convert its existing fleet to hybrids where possible.


Aside from inaugurating new equipment, MGT also launched the Western Urban Road Project. MGT will fund the construction of a 2.65-kilometre road – 906 meters of which will be built, and 1,746 will be rehabilitated — which will improve access to the port and ease traffic in the city of Matadi.


In addition to building a new road, Phase 2 development for MGT is ongoing.


ICTSI said this includes the acquisition of new equipment and expansion of the yard and the berth.


Scheduled for completion in the last quarter of 2023, this development will increase the length of the terminal’s berth from 350 meters to 500 meters and annual capacities to 400,000 TEUSs and 800,000 metric tons.


 MGT is a joint venture agreement of ICTSI entered with La Société De Gestion Immobilière Lengo (SIMOBILE) in January 2014 to develop a container and general cargo terminal along the river bank of the Congo River at Mbengu Matadi, Democratic Republic of the Congo.


ICTSI and SIMOBILE formed a joint venture company, Matadi Gateway Terminal, to operate and manage the facility.