June 13, 2023

Cargolux will operate a carbon-neutral flight from Luxembourg (LUX) to Zhengzhou (CGO), its biggest hub in mainland China after it announced becoming the first airline to uplift Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) at Luxembourg's Findel airport.


The Luxembourgish flag carrier cargo airline said it joined forces with lux-Airport, World Fuel Services, and Neste to secure the first delivery of SAF to Luxembourg airport.


The bio-based fuel was delivered to Luxembourg airport’s fuel farm via NATO’s Central European Pipeline System (CEPS).


In a statement, Cargolux said the SAF is from sustainably sourced, 100% renewable waste and residue raw materials in compliance with the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) Directive.


"This initiative marks a first for all involved, and I am proud of the smooth process we witnessed throughout, from delivery to uplift. This is a milestone in Cargolux's sustainable engagement and a significant step in our carbon reduction roadmap," said Richard Forson, president and CEO of Cargolux.


"We look forward to continuing this journey in collaboration with lux-Airport, World Fuel Services and Neste, with whom we share a common vision for a sustainable industry," he added.


Cargolux said the 747-8F would land at its destination, CGO, on time for a ceremony marking the 10th year since Cargolux first started operating services to Zhengzhou in 2014.


The occasion and related ceremonies will be held within the framework of sustainability and focused on the importance of achieving a "Green Silk Road" between LUX and CGO.

Cargolux noted that its SAF-fueled, carbon-offset flight serves as a symbol and building block for this initiative.

Initiatives such as this highlight the importance of strong partnerships to achieve a net-zero carbon emissions target by 2050.


Cargolux said SAF is a key lever to meeting this target, and cooperation with like-minded partners is key — with all parties involved committed to supporting the production and large-scale availability of SAF to help establish an environmentally-sound aviation industry.