September 5, 2023
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Kalitta Air has partnered with TrustFlight, a technology company that specializes in digitizing the aviation industry.


The cargo airline said TrustFlight will be providing its advanced electronic tech log, reliability analytics, and fleet oversight tools to Kalitta Air's fleet of 29 aircraft, as well as any future additions to its fleet.


Air cargo operators such as Kalitta Air use tech logs to record airframe usage and discrepancies for internal and regulatory oversight.


As a global standard operating procedure, a log is completed for every flight operation by civilian and military aircraft operators.


The Michigan-based cargo airline noted that while most air freight carriers currently utilize paper-based reporting systems, Kalitta Air will deploy TrustFlight's digital tech log solution.


In addition, Kalitta Air will implement TrustFlight's reliability analytics and fleet oversight tools to gain a real-time analysis of their fleet to optimize maintenance activities.


"Implementing electronic logs enables us to benefit from increased operational efficiencies and maintain our reputation for reliable on-time performance worldwide," said Christopher Barks, director of quality control & chief inspector for Kalitta Air.


"TrustFlight impressed us with the capability and ease of use of their systems alongside their knowledge of maintenance processes," he added.


Karl Steeves, director of TrustFlight, for his part, noted how Kalitta Air is a pioneer in air cargo, globally recognized for its long history of success and operational acumen.


"They are well-positioned to transition to all-digital tech log record keeping. We’re proud that they have entrusted TrustFlight for this task," Steeves added.


Kalitta Air is a Michigan Limited Liability Company. It began service in November 2000 with three (3) Boeing 747 aircraft and its fleet has grown to over twenty-nine (29) aircraft, comprised of Boeing B777 and B747 freighters.


Capable of air express delivery of virtually any type of freight, the company provides scheduled and on-demand charter service for customers in the United States and around the world.


Meanwhile, TrustFlight provides digital technology innovations focused on the aviation industry.


Its Electronic Tech Log automates flight data entry, scheduling, and maintenance recording.