May 3, 2016

Modern Terminals Limited has signed two agreements with Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. for the purchase of five quay cranes and the upgrading of four existing cranes in Hong Kong.


Self Photos / Files - Modern ZPMC“Modern Terminals’ facilities in Hong Kong are capable of handling the largest container vessels in the world,” said Horace Lo, chief development officer and director of engineering at Modern Terminals [right in photo]. “We don’t rest on our laurels. It is our policy to continuously improve by investing heavily in both hardware and software to cater for the existing and future needs of our shipping line customers. We will continue to be able to accommodate the next generation ultra-large container vessels, with a carrying capacity of some 21,000 TEUs, alongside our berths when they come onstream next year.”


The upgrade will raise the lifting height of the existing cranes to 48 metres, according to Modern.


Modern Terminals operates 30 quay cranes at Hong Kong’s port, with a maximum outreach of 24 containers across, according to the company.