February 22, 2024

Russian coal shipments have fallen 14% year-on-year (YoY) during the first seven weeks of 2024, according to a new report by BIMCO, one of the largest international shipping associations representing shipowners.


It said that volumes have gradually declined since October 2023, when logistical challenges started to emerge.


"Two years after the start of the war in Ukraine, sanctions on Russia are limiting the country's ability to export coal," said Filipe Gouveia, shipping analyst at BIMCO.


The report noted that a significant portion of Russian coal is sourced from Siberia and transported to Russian ports by rail.


BIMCO said since the start of the war in Ukraine in February 2022, railways in Russia have been under pressure as sanctions pushed Russia's coal exports eastwards.


It added that in 2023, China was the destination for 41% of Russian coal shipments.


"Sanctions on Russia have added further pressure to logistics, culminating in lower effectiveness and reliability of railway transport since October 2023," the BIMCO report said.


It added that Russian railway transport is reported to be challenged with difficulties in securing imports of spare parts such as specialized lubricants, proprietary bearings and electronic components.


BIMCO said efforts to circumvent this issue by replacing imports with domestic equipment have fallen short, as these substitutes are often of lower quality.


"The overall impact of poor Russian logistics on the dry bulk market seems to be marginal, as global coal supply is ample. In the period since October 2023, global coal shipments have increased by 7% YoY despite the loss of Russian coal. Consequently, it seems that Russia is bearing the brunt of the impact," said Gouveia.


The impact of lower coal shipments on sailing distances also seems to be residual.


BIMCO noted that shipments from Russia have below-average sailing distances, but they have been replaced by shipments with similar distances.


"Despite the obstacles that Russia is facing, the government seems determined to boost coal exports to China. Russia is working to increase coal mining and remove bottlenecks in its infrastructure," the report said.


It added that two major railways in Siberia will be electrified, and an agreement was reached to build a new railway bridge between Russia and China.


BIMCO noted that if Russia is successful, exports over land to China could increase, replacing some of Russia's coal shipments.


"Even as Russia invests in infrastructure, it is possible that total coal exports to China will not significantly increase. The IEA estimates that China's coal demand may have peaked in 2023, limiting further export growth," said Gouveia.


"Furthermore, it might be difficult for Russia to find new trade partners amid sanctions and competition from other exporters such as Indonesia and Australia," he added.