February 29, 2024

Orient Overseas Container Line Limited (OOCL) and Sumitomo Corporation have recently signed a business alliance deal to offer refrigerated ocean transport using electric field technology.


This innovative technology ensures that various commercial products are preserved for a long time while retaining their freshness.


The ocean carrier noted that international transportation of perishable products faces challenges in preserving the freshness of products. It also needs to be transported in the shortest possible transit time in ocean transportation while bearing high costs in air transportation.


OOCL said in order to expand food supply areas and ensure a stable supply of products; it sought to develop a service that enables long-term ocean transportation utilizing refrigerated storage technology with minimal quality loss.


"Taking advantage of the development of electric field containers conducted by MARS Company, Inc., Sumitomo Corporation established an electric field container procurement system with the cooperation of Daiichi Institution Industry Co., Ltd., which manufactures and sells electric field-related equipment and OOCL," the announcement said.


Additionally, it added that Sumitomo Corporation also obtained patents, including one for a "food transportation method" that lowers the non-freezing temperature of food products and improves the freshness retention effect by shrink-packing the food products with a high degree of vacuum in an electric field environment.

OOCL is one of the world's largest integrated international container transportation and logistics companies, with about 130 offices in more than 100 major cities.

"Sumitomo Corporation and OOCL aim to establish a new standard for freshness-preserving logistics by developing refrigerated ocean transport based on this service," the announcement said.


It added that through the promotion of this service, Sumitomo Corporation and OOCL would like to realize ocean transportation of non-freezing chilled products from distant locations, which is currently impossible, and to deliver attractive food products in fresh and stable conditions to wider locations in the world.


At the same time, by meeting the demands of regions seeking to promote the export of fresh food products, the companies will contribute to the stable supply of food products through diversification of supply locations.


In addition, the service is also expected to reduce food loss by extending expiration dates and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transportation costs by facilitating the switch from air to ocean transportation.



In implementing this service, Sumitomo Corporation and OOCL have conducted a 30-month demonstration experiment with Itoham Yonekyu Holdings, a major player in the meat distribution and processing industry.


In addition, Sumitomo Corporation and OOCL will collaborate with SC Foods Co., Ltd, a trading company specializing in food products within the Sumitomo Corporation Group, and Mowi Japan Co., Ltd, a major salmon manufacturer, to realize a new distribution model for a variety of fresh products.

"Sumitomo Corporation and OOCL will continue to build a more environmentally friendly global logistics network through price-competitive, high-quality, low-carbon refrigerated maritime transportation by leveraging the strengths and business bases of both companies," the announcement said.