May 25, 2016

ICTSI’s Basra Gateway Terminal in Umm Qasr, Iraq, has completed the implementation of the Navis Sparcs N4 operating system.


According to ICTSI, the upgrade from an in-house system to Navis’ one will enhance the customer experience and increase terminal productivity by managing resources more efficiently while improving employee safety.


“With the goal of expanding our throughput capacity with the new container berth coming operational in Q3 this year, combined with our rapid growth in the first two years of operation, we looked for best-in-class technologies that will enable us maintain our high-quality service,” said Phillip Marsham, CEO of BGT. “Navis offered the best solution in the market as illustrated by its wide use globally. Implementation of Navis is an innovative, forward-thinking step for the terminal.  It will help ensure that Basra Gateway Terminal can continue to keep improving on our customer service commitments, and empower further enhancement of service delivery, reinforcing our position as a key terminal operator in the Iraqi market.”


The implementation was managed on-site internally by International Container Terminal Services, Inc. in the Middle East, according to ICTSI.