Global logistics blockchain platform LogChain has appointed Carl Hemus as one of its Board of Advisors.


LogChain said in its announcement that Hemus career and experience would "undoubtedly strengthen LogChain's mission." 


"As an independent advisor, Carl will be bringing his extensive background in international logistics and technology to drive strategic development across the LogChain offering and support the company in its exciting aspirations for growth and market expansion," the logistics blockchain platform added.


Hemus is currently the chief operations officer at Asendia.


"Carl Hemus' distinctive leadership style, marked by his exceptional record in the logistics and technology sector, reinforces LogChain's vision and pursuit of digital transformation in the supply chain industry," said Andrew McKeown, CEO of LogChain.


"The addition of Carl to our Board of Advisors represents a key milestone in our journey to bring about a profound industry shift", — referring to the company's aim to disrupt traditional supply chains by digitising supply chains. 


"I am incredibly excited to work with the team at LogChain to drive innovation and introduce cutting-edge solutions to the market," Hemus said.


"Joining LogChain in its quest to redefine supply chain landscapes presents an exhilarating challenge that I'm ready to undertake. This sector has been on the edge of a significant shift, and I believe that with LogChain leading the charge, we're about to witness a transformative leap," he added.