Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) has announced the resumption of flight operations at the gateway a day after services have been affected by Super Typhoon Saola. 


In a statement on Saturday, September 2, the Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) said as the typhoon moves away from Hong Kong gradually, it has been working closely with the airport community, relevant government departments and other business partners for the orderly resumption of flight operation.


"AAHK has implemented flight rescheduling, and it is expected to handle around 480 flights today with both runways in operation overnight," it said, adding that as more flights than usual are expected to arrive after midnight, the airport will continue with its stepped-up efforts to serve the additional large number of passengers.


AAHK told passengers to check with their airlines for the latest flight information and to proceed to the airport only when their seats and flight times have been confirmed.


Additional manpower has also been deployed to assist passengers at the terminal and ensure smooth operation.


On September 1, the AAHK announced that flight operations in Hong Kong had been affected by Super Typhoon Saola — although smooth flight operations have been noted in the morning.


AAHK said a total of 460 flights were cancelled for the whole day.


"Due to the severe impact of Super Typhoon Saola, flight resumption tomorrow remains uncertain," the announcement has said, noting that members of the airport community are working closely together to formulate recovery plans in order to ensure an orderly resumption of flight operation.