HNA Cargo, one of China's largest air logistics groups and agent to China's fourth largest airline, HNA Aviation Group, has announced it will partner with the digital booking platform.


The partnership will allow HNA Cargo to launch its first global digital sales and will soon bring freight forwarders in 107 markets exciting new access to HNA Cargo capacity, including routes into China and across the Asia Pacific.


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HNA Cargo manages air cargo subsidiaries with a combined fleet of 600 aircraft spanning 11 airlines, including Hainan Airlines, Suparna Airlines, Tianjin Air Cargo and Hong Kong Air Cargo.


It offers freight forwarders the significant global connectivity of 2000 international and domestic routes, including key trade lanes connecting China with the USA, Europe, Australia, the Middle East and extensively across Asia.


"With our network covering more than 300 cities and regions at home and abroad, HNA Cargo holds a strong resource advantage. This digital partnership helps ensure that we benefit fully from our transportation capacity and can achieve optimal distribution," said Qiushi Zheng, vice president of HNA Cargo.


"As our first global digital sales channel, adds value with its high-quality booking solutions and delivers us unique access to thousands of freight forwarders of all sizes through its impressive footprint," Zheng added, noting that the partnership will help accelerate the company's digital sales gains.


The announcement said that HNA Cargo is implementing an ambitious digital transformation program, with market-responsive digital sales comprising an important pillar for its growth.


In the past 18 months,, it has seen 400% growth in new airline and route combinations going live for digital booking.


"From Spring 2024, forwarders on cargo. one worldwide will have instant digital access to HNA Cargo capacity for imports and exports into China and across the region, including key global destinations such as London, Paris, Hong Kong, Tel Aviv, Sydney, Tokyo and Bangkok," it added.