May 28, 2022

The Port of Long Beach has completed the construction of a new rail project that will increase efficiency of goods movement and reduce congestion on local roadways by shifting more cargo to trains.


The port said the Double Track Access from Pier G to Pier J Project adds a second rail line running approximately 8,000 feet long that enables four terminals in the Port's south basin area to simultaneously handle arriving and departing trains.

It noted that the rail project is a "vital piece" of the Port's ongoing rail infrastructure capital improvement program aimed at shifting more cargo to rail, one of the goals of the 2017 Update of the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan.

"This project is an important piece of the rail improvement program that will increase efficiency and lower emissions at our Port," said Robert Garcia, Long Beach mayor. "We're continuing to invest in strengthening our supply chain, prioritizing environmental sustainability and reducing impacts on the communities surrounding the Port."


Mario Cordero, Port of Long Beach executive director noted that the project will streamline operations and reduce truck trips at a time when the port is experiencing "unprecedented growth in cargo."


"Our investments in on-dock rail will help the Port remain globally competitive and environmentally sustainable well into the future," Cordero said.


Increasing rail efficiency


"Alleviating truck traffic will enhance air quality and decrease the impact of Port operations on the surrounding community," said Sharon L. Weissman, vice president of the Long Beach Harbor Commission, adding that moving goods more efficiently and sustainably remains one of the port's top priorities.


Port of Long Beach said the construction of the US$34.7 million project started in February 2020 on the project, which increases rail efficiency at Piers G and J up to 25%.


It will also minimize conflict with neighboring terminals' on-dock rail operations and improve overall safety in the vicinity.