May 31, 2023

ANA Holdings Inc. (ANA HD) has updated its medium-term environmental targets for 2030 and its climate transition strategies to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.


Revised medium-term environmental targets


Previously, the ANA Group's medium-term environmental goal for 2030 was to reduce total CO2 emissions to below the 2019 level, however, this goal has been revised to a reduction of 10% or more compared to 2019.

In addition, the ANA Group's plan to replace at least 10% of its fuel consumption with sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) by 2030 has now been added to the Group's medium-term environmental goal.


"This will further accelerate the resolution of the issues that are currently being addressed in cooperation with the public and private sectors to expand the production and stable supply of domestically produced SAF," ANA said.


The Group will also review its climate transition strategies.

"The ANA Group has updated its strategy to reduce CO2 emissions, and for both its domestic and international operations combined, will aim to reduce emissions by 10% or more compared to FY2019 levels from FY2024 onward," it said.


"The target will be achieved through a combination of four strategic approaches, as well as the utilization of emissions trading to offset the remainder," ANA added.


ANA noted that the update comes as a response to the revision of CO2 reduction targets for international aviation announced at the 41st ICAO General Assembly, in addition to new trends in environmental regulations in various countries and the development of advanced technologies.


ICAO's newly adjusted CORSIA baseline

ICAO has established a global CO2 emissions standard for international aviation requiring airlines to offset emissions through credit trading and other methods if the sector's CO2 emissions exceed the level mandated in the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).


At the 41st ICAO General Assembly held in October 2022, the group agreed upon a new CORSIA baseline of the scheme: 85% of the international aviation sector's CO2 emissions in 2019.


In response to the new CO2 reduction target levels, the ANA Group noted that it will continue to expand its network to meet the expected growth in demand for international operations with inbound travel to Japan expected to increase.


"While complying with the new target for CO2 emissions reduction, the ANA Group will maintain its original commitments and support decarbonization efforts," it added.

ANA's key approaches of its transition strategies include flight operations and infrastructure improvements, technology developments.


In addition, ANA is aiming to have a fleet of 100 or more Boeing 787 aircraft by 2030, incorporating the most fuel-efficient technology.

ANA said it will also utilize Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and other potentially cleaner energy sources in its operations.


"The core of the ANA Group's strategy to realize a decarbonized society is the use of SAF, which is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 80% over its life cycle compared to conventional jet fuel. By 2050, almost all fuel consumption will be based on low-carbon energy resources," it said.


The Group also aims to use emission trading schemes with credible emissions credits that meet the standards set by ICAO and disclose information appropriately; and utilise negative emissions technologies (NETs) for CO2 that cannot be reduced through the use of SAF alone.