August 4, 2023

July air cargo demand globally continued the pattern of the previous two months, recording a -5% tonnage decrease worldwide compared with the equivalent month last year, and a further small drop (-2%) compared with the previous month, according to the latest figures from WorldACD Market Data.


The July figures, based on the 2 million monthly transactions covered by WorldACD's data, follow -5% year-on-year declines in both May and June, suggesting that the market may be stabilising at around -5% below its levels last year, with average yields continuing their slow but progressive weekly and monthly declines.


In its weekly analysis, the air cargo market data provider said figures for week 30 (July 24 to 30) show a -1% decrease in tonnages compared with the previous week, while average worldwide air cargo prices were stable, week on week (WoW), based on the more than 400,000 weekly transactions covered by WorldACD's data.

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[Source: WorldACD]

Comparing weeks 29 and 30 with the preceding two weeks (2Wo2W), overall tonnages and capacity were stable versus their combined total in weeks 27 and 28, and average worldwide rates were down by 1%.


The WorldACD report said at a regional level, significant rises in tonnages were recorded (2Wo2W) ex-North America to Central & South America, and Europe, ex-Middle East & South Asia to Europe, and also ex-Europe to Africa.


Slight decreases were recorded ex-Middle East & South Asia to Asia Pacific, ex-Asia Pacific to Europe, and intra-Asia Pacific.


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[Source: WorldACD]

Volumes, rates down year-on-year


"Comparing the overall global market with this time last year, chargeable weight in weeks 29 and 30 was down -5% compared with the equivalent period last year (YoY)," WorldACD said.


It added that overall capacity has increased by +10% compared with last year, with capacity ex-Asia Pacific up by a noteworthy +33%.


Other notable YoY capacity increases can be observed ex-Middle East & South Asia (+11%), ex-Africa (+9%) and ex-North America (+7%), while a decrease was recorded from Central & South America (-7%).


WorldACD said worldwide average rates are currently -38% below their levels this time last year, at an average of US$2.27 per kilo in week 30, although they remain significantly above pre-Covid levels (+28% compared to July 2019).