March 1, 2024

Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. (JAL) and Setouchi Town in Okayama, Japan have jointly established the drone operation company "Amami Island Drones

Co., Ltd." to support social issues ranging from disaster prevention to daily life and logistics on the remote island.


In the announcement, JAL said the company — established on November 30, 2023 — will begin providing drone-based services to residents in Amami Setouchi Town starting on February 29, 2024.


"Setouchi Town, aiming to create a sustainable town where 'everyone wants to continue living,' has positioned the introduction of drone transportation as a new administrative service to ensure the safety and security of the livelihoods and to maintain the functions of local communities," JAL said.


"In collaboration with the JAL Group through a partnership agreement, the two parties have conducted a series of joint studies and demonstration experiments since October 2020 with the aim of socially implementing a remote island model utilizing drones and digital technology to solve local social issues ranging from disaster prevention to daily life and logistics," it added.


The announcement said the joint drone operation company will provide services for island living by transporting emergency relief supplies to isolated villages in the event of a disaster, and regularly delivering medical supplies and daily necessities to residents during normal times.


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 [Source: Japan Airlines]

The "Amami Island Drone" will be operated using the FAZER R G2 – a large logistics drone with an excellent cruising range and payload capacities, tailored to the geographical features and transportation needs of the town area, including the secondary remote islands of Setouchi Town.


JAL said it will provide operational support by offering its expertise in advanced drone operation management and safety management, including Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) flight remote control.


JAL will also provide trained pilots during the start-up phase to ensure safe and secure drone operations.


"JAL is working on solving social issues and revitalizing local communities through air mobility initiatives. These initiatives aim to create sustainable flows of human, commerce, and logistics by leveraging the technology and expertise developed in the aviation industry," it said.


In the drone business in Setouchi Town, JAL noted that it will support the development of community-based operations, including the training of drone pilots and operational support, and expand the social implementation model of island logistics drones to the entire Amami Islands.