Ethiopian partners with Djibouti for sea-air transport in Africa
Ethiopian Airlines Cargo has signed a partnership deal with International Djibouti Industrial Park Operation (IDIPO)...
China Warehouse China's warehouse storage sector expands in February
China's warehouse storage sector reported expansion in February, state media reported, citing a survey joi...
AA Cargo American Airlines Cargo joins WebCargo’s booking platform
American Airlines Cargo will be offering its capacity on WebCargo's booking platform in the first half of the ...
AirJapan-new-design-e1646727386845 ANA Holdings unveils new airline AirJapan for medium-haul routes
ANA Holdings has unveiled a new international airline brand — AirJapan — which would take off in the second half of...
DHL Express places new order for six additional 777 Freighters
DHL Express and Boeing have announced that the express service provider has placed an order for six additional 777...
Surcharges mount as Russia-Ukraine conflict persist
Logistics companies are upping surcharges as the persisting Russia-Ukraine conflict adds more drag to the already...
China-logistics-IFM China's e-commerce up in February amid Winter Olympic boost
China's e-commerce logistics sector posted growth in February as the Beijing Winter Olympics boosted demand...
ZIM launches e-commerce service between China, Southeast Asia to the US
ZIM Integrated Shipping (ZIM) has announced the launch of a new service connecting the world's manufactu...
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