F1-Statistics-1024 Cathay Pacific cargo volumes, capacity continues to recover
Cathay Pacific said it carried less cargo year-on-year in May, although volumes improved month on month as the easing...
Seattle, Tacoma Ports handles record-breaking volumes in May
The Northwest Seaport Alliance (NWSA) — composed of seaports of Seattle and Tacoma — reported that it handled...
volodrone-berlin DB Schenker, Volocopter develop heavy lift cargo drone
DB Schenker and urban mobility air firm, Volocopter, have teamed up to develop solutions for the fast and emission-free...
2021061807425390770 Container volumes exceeds 2M TEUs at Tianjin Port in May
Container throughput at Tianjin Port, the largest port in Northern China, and the main maritime gateway to Beijing,...
Antonov Airlines moves five helicopters from Poland to the Philippines
Antonov Airlines has transported five S-70i Black Hawk helicopters on a single AN-124-100 flight from Rzesz...
ZIM_Alibaba_Branded_containers ZIM, Alibaba extend shipping deal until 2023
ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. and e-commerce platform, Alibaba.com, announced that they are extending their...
i-Cn7Xnbs-X3 Ships keep skipping Yantian, blank sailings up 300% in a month
Blank sailing data tracked at major Shenzhen ports by project44 has shot up, spelling further cost increases and...
Panama Canal to allow longer vessels to transit
Panama Canal will be allowing longer ships to transit the neo-panamax locks allowing 96.8% of the world&#...
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